I always looked at blogging as a waste of good time that could be used so much better in other ways. I just read the most insightful, inspiring blog by a woman named "Tammy" in the mountains of NC (and promptly lost it!) She was a homeschooling Mom, (as I was for so many years) and a Christian as I am. She wrote of her large family and the daily tasks of gardening, teaching, quilting, etc. I identified with her so much and felt like she was an old friend. I intend to find her again! I re-thought the blogging idea. I love to get ideas for new quilts, gardening, cooking, etc. from other people. Why not share some of my ideas or projects, also?
About me:
I am a mother of 5. My oldest son is 34 my youngest (also a son) is 15. Three lovely girls in between. I am an RN (worked ER, Home-Health for years..) but I am "retired" hopefully permanently) since about 1999 when I quit work to home-school my youngest. We are a Christian family and I wanted my son taught in Christ's ways but could not afford the private Christian school tuition. I taught many years but ironically my son is now in our church's Christian School (for the past two years) and I have not returned to work. Those of you who are Christians will understand that what I could not afford WORKING God has made possible when I am staying at home..... :) I am now filling my hectic days with normal family/cooking/cleaning/gardening stuff with an occasional day of quilting, sewing, scrapbooking (which I don't enjoy a lot but feel the need to do!) thrown in.
My husband has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and had a radical prostatectomy last June. The cancer was aggressive and "to" the edge of the surgical margin, although not beyond, so we must go in about every three months to have PSAs evaluated. The Urologist allows me to draw the blood at home since I am still a registered RN and this lowers the stress around here considerably! We are due for a result the 13th of this month which will determine whether he has to have radiation or not. Please Pray! My husband is a hard-working, gentle guy who has always worked 2-3 jobs to keep us afloat with 5 kids! He is now, for the first time in his life, working ONE job and I want him to have time to enjoy life a little. Little things like Sat. breakfasts, Wed. night Bible studies with his family, traveling, etc.
My son, who is still at home (15) is a wonderful person. Very smart and loving. Oh, he has his problems... I don't mean he is perfect!! I pray daily he will overcome them, but he is a blessing!He got a pet bunny this summer when we went on vacation. He had always wanted one and we went to a pet shop in PA and just brought one home! (cage and all...) He loves that bunny and the whole family has become quite attached! I missed the Lancaster Amish quilts for this bunny... and this boy... but I would trade the guy...or the bunny for all the quilts in the world!! I hope when he is old he still remembers that vacation ... the one where he got the bunny!
We also have a dog, (toy poodle) Abbey, who is 11 years old and we have had her since our son was 4! She is a sweetie and is the smartest thing. Abbey is more like a child than a dog. We have an outside cat that just showed up...DS started feeding him.... two Cordon Blue finches ...um, I think that's it.
Our grown children: Oldest son and his sweet wife live in SC, two hours away. They took our three precious grandchildren with them!! The nerve! Tyler is 6, Olivia, 4, and Caleb 2. They bought a beautiful home (several sizes bigger and fancier than ours, for sure!) and are enjoying SC!
Daughter #1 (our precious adopted one...) is working at Wachovia here in town and has completed her frst year in the Wake Forest MBA program (following in older brother's footsteps. He graduated in August with an MBA from Wake.) She is single and enjoying living in a new condo and traveling. She is quite a "foodie"! :) Hard working and considerate.
Daughter #2 is a Biology teacher and has now moved back home to teach at her old HS. She is married to her HS sweetheart and is now a Carolina Topcat Cheerleader. She is the busy one...hardly ever see her! Appearances and games all the time!
Daughter #3 graduated for Davidson and has yet to find her perfect job. She is working for Davidson right now in a temporary research position. Sweet, Christian, and quiet.... Has a pet turtle, who she rescued from an owner who did not take the proper care of him, and an unsaved boyfriend who she refuses to marry (for about 8 years now) and we all pray for him daily! He is sweet, kind and comes to church with her. He "wants" to believe and I have the faith that someday he will!
I have recently returned to quilting which I have not had much time for until recently. I just made my DGS a "Snoozin with Snakes" quilt for Christmas. I will share the photo when I have time to take one! I planned to make my MIL a quilt for Christmas, also, but I have decided to work at a slower pace and enjoy the holidays with my family instead of a constant, hectic "push" to complete another quilt! I also intend (Lord-willing!) to finish my DGD one for her bed, and my other DGS one, also. I just finished Olivia's annual Christmas dress. Tyler asked me to make him something and he said, "Ma-Ma, if you make me something I PROMISE to wear it!" LOL! So...that inspired the quilt which I call "Snakes on a Quilt!" Picture to follow....I promise...within days...
I hope that whomever the Lord leads will find my blog. Those that it will encourage and lift up. Perhaps those going through the cancer struggle.... those who love to quilt, (I am learning, still), those who garden, crochet, knit, sew, cook, read, watch movies, travel, .... those who enjoy time with their families and God, and enjoy the quiet, small things that are so HUGE in life will come to share with me...?
Love, Viv
Simple life workshops on Zoom UPDATED
4 days ago
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